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7 . Jan . 2017

BIGBANG10 THE CONCERT – ‘0.TO.10’ FINAL IN SEOUL (Jan 7 & 8, 2017)

Venue: GOCHEOK SKY DOME, Seoul, Korea

Great news to all ELF ASIA’s VIPs! We are excited to announce that ELF ASIA, as an Affiliated Company of YG Entertainment Korea, will be exclusively offering limited VIP packages (Jan 7, 2017) and limited concert tickets (Jan 8, 2017) of BIGBANG10 THE CONCERT – ‘0.TO.10’ FINAL IN SEOUL to Hong Kong fans! VIPs of ELF ASIA, sign up for this extremely limited offer! The VIP package includes 1 concert ticket and 1 Sound Check Party ticket. There will be standing and seating of the VIP packages available on Jan 7 and concert tickets of standing and seating available on Jan 8 for Hong Kong fans to purchase. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to witness BIGBANG’s explosive stage performance!

Way to purchase BIGBANG10 THE CONCERT – ‘0.TO.10’ FINAL IN SEOUL tickets as follows:

1. Subscribe as ELF ASIA member (;

2. All participants MUST have a Hong Kong Identity Card in order to join this event;

3. All registered ELF ASIA members can fill in the google form ( starting from Nov 28, 2016 (Mon) 10:00am, until Nov 30, 2016 (Wed) 11:59pm for ordering. All tickets will be sold in a first-come-first-serve basis, while tickets last;

4. Every successfully registered VIP is eligible to buy 4 items at maximum;

5. (i) Each VIP package on Jan 7 is priced at HK$2380. The VIP package includes 1 ticket of BIGBANG10 THE CONCERT – ‘0.TO.10’ FINAL IN SEOUL and 1 ticket of the Sound Check Party which will take place before the concert; (ii) Each ticket on Jan 8 is priced at HK$1980;

6. Results will be announced on ELF ASIA’s Facebook and Instagram on Dec 1, 2016 (Thur). All deposit have to be done with the deposit receipt email to [email protected] no later than Dec 4, 2016 (Sun) 9: 00pm. Right to purchase the tickets will be forfeited for those who failed to provide the deposit slip by the above mentioned deadline. Other winners will be selected accordingly as replacement.

*Seats will be randomly assigned

*All deadlines are based on the system time of ELF ASIA *Tickets will be distributed on site in Korea on the show day and further details will be sent to the successfully ordered VIP

*Air ticket and hotel arrangement are NOT INCLUDED in the above offer

*No refund or exchange tickets would be made under any circumstances

*In case of dispute, ELF ASIA reserves the rights for final decisions and interpretations



Date and Time: January 7, 2017 (Sat) 6:00pm; January 8, 2017 (Sun) 5:00pm

Venue: Gocheok Sky Dome


各位VIPs期待已久的好消息!!繼«BIGBANG10 THE CONCERT – ‘0.TO.10’»的獨家購票活動後,ELF ASIA再次與YG Entertainment Korea聯營,為會員帶來香港獨家,«BIGBANG10 THE CONCERT – ‘0.TO.10’ FINAL IN SEOUL»超限量VIP門票的購票機會!

是次珍貴的演唱會門票將分別以套票及單一門票的形式發售,套票為一張演唱會門票加一張Sound Check Party門票!1月7日的演唱會以套票形式發售(企位或坐位)。而1月8 日的演唱會則以單一門票發售 (企位或坐位) 。各一直喜愛及支持BIGBANG的香港粉絲們切勿錯過是次珍貴的購票機會!


1. 登記成為ELF ASIA的會員 (; (註:如早前已登記會員,不必重複)

2. 所有人士必須持有香港身份證方可參加是次活動;

3. 已登記的會員可於2016年11月28日 (星期一) 早上10時開始,直至2016年11月30日 (星期三) 晚上11時59分,登入 並填妥相關的訂票資料(門票將以先到先得的形式出售,售完即止);

4. 每位會員最多可購買四個項目;

5. (i) 1月7 日的VIP PACKAGE定價為每套HK$2,380 ,內含BIGBANG10 THE CONCERT – ‘0.TO.10’ FINAL IN SEOUL門票一張及演唱會前舉行的Sound Check Party門票一張; (ii) 1 月8 日的門票定價為每張 HK$1,980;

6. 成功申請者的名單將於2016年12月1日 (星期四) 於ELF ASIA的Facebook及Instagram內公佈。所有成功申請者將會收到電郵通知有關入數的資料及必須於12月4日 (星期日) 晚上9時前完成入數程序,並連同入數紙發電郵到[email protected],否則即當棄權論,ELF ASIA將選出下一位申請者作替補。



*電郵截止時間以ELF ASIA系統時間為準




*如有任何爭議,ELF ASIA保留對此活動的最終決定權



演出日期及時間:2017 年1月7日 (星期六) 晚上6時及2017年1月8日 (星期日) 下午5時
